Thursday, January 9, 2014


I’m not usually one for new year’s resolutions.  But maybe it was the fact that I was on vacation for three weeks, on a little break from reality, that I felt one (some?) was in order this year. 
So here goes.
1.       More blogging.
2.       Spending more of my craft time on building up a true crafty business.
3.       Related to number 2, less time making things not related to my crafty business.
4.       Also related to number 2, less fabric shopping, unless it relates to my crafty business.
As you can see, I really, really want to build a real business.  I’ve been watching Shark Tank way too much lately saying to myself, “I could do that”.  And if I don’t give it a true effort I know I will always wonder. 
So, there it is, for the world to see (or at least those 20 or so of you who actually read my blog).
Happy New Year.
About the blogging...I’ve got quite a bit of backlog built up of completed projects that were never blogged.  So don’t worry, you’ll see more than coffee cozies here.
What are your New Year's resolutions?


  1. that is a fabulous picture...I think by the looks of will fullfill those 2014 goals:) !!!

  2. Love this photo, Rita! And rock on with your bad self…
